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Terms Of Use

The main ways of accessing and using this Website and its Services by a User are managed by these Terms of Use (“Terms” or “T&C”). These Terms cover all the services offered by (“Website”). Make sure to check them carefully before using our services.

The Website is managed and owned by You fully agree to follow the revealed and written Terms and Conditions once accessing and using the Website. You declare that you have permission once entering these T&C and fully accept the revealed Terms and Conditions.

1. Definition

“Website” includes the full amount of web pages, information and data listed. It also covers all the subdomains where services can be retrieved.

“Services” covers a variety of different assignments that include course works, essay papers, research papers, and other types of academic assignments ordered by our Clients.

“Terms”, “T&C”, “Terms and Conditions” cover Money Back Guarantee, Privacy Policy, Revision Policy, Plagiarism-Free Guarantee.

“Company”, “We”, “Us”, “Our” refer to

“Client’, “Customer”, “User” can refer to any person, individual entrepreneur, or legal body who has ordered services at, signed up for a personal account, made a payment, submitted files and accepted these Terms of Use.

“Writer” refers to an individual who is assigned by our Company to complete your writing assignments and employed by Us on a full-time position or works as a freelancer. He or she completes your tasks in accordance with a legal agreement with Us.

“Personal Account”, “Account” is dedicated to a personal section with private access that is created in order to be used by a User for better convenience of offered services. The account can be accessed with a personal password and username.

“Order” covers a digital request for a certain type of writing service by a Customer. The Order specifies all the requirements and additional order parameters. The Client specifies the details of the Order and sends it to us in a form of electronic message.

“Product” states to the result of an Order. The digital document that includes a unique piece of writing performed by a Writer according to provides requirements remains a Product.

“Customer Information” refers to various files that contain information about Customers. We reserve a right to keep Customer information in the files of a certain size and format chosen by Us.

2. Registering Procedure and Order Placing

  1. You need to create your personal account to place an order at our Website. You need to fill the requested information to register and create a personal account. The information requested can include your name, email address, and phone number. You need to update information in case one of the mentioned parameters has changed. You may contact Customer Support to make the changes as well.
  2. You need to fill in an Order Form to place an order at the Website. There are no other ways of placing an order on the Website except the mentioned one.
  3. In the Order form, you need to declare the order’s details, including the amount of work, deadline, delivery info, and additional order requirements. Please make sure to provide correct and detailed information when placing an order since you assume the responsibility to provide only relevant and newest information.

3. Payment and Discounts

  1. When you place an order at the Website you reveal your approval to buy a Product from our Company. Once we get a payment, we start completing your Order immediately.
  2. The final price for an Order depends on a list of parameters. It is calculated due to our latest pricing. In particular, you can find information about pricing in Our Pricing Page. We deliver orders paid in advance and fully. We do not guarantee to deliver an Order before receiving full payment.
  3. Customers can choose a payment method among the offered list of payments. Check out the main page to get the list of offered payment methods.
  4. We can provide customers with special promotions and discounts at Our discretion.
  5. When a Client wants to stop our cooperation, we can issue a full amount of money due to our Money Back Guarantee. We do not take responsibility for payment delays or other banking issues.
  6. Our Customers assume responsibility for any taxes together with value-added taxes.
  7. You can be subjected to extra taxed in accordance to your area or state of residency’s jurisdiction laws. These payments can be added to your final price for an Order.
  8. Once reading these, you acknowledge your readiness to comply with your area or state tax jurisdiction laws.

4. Order Procedure

  1. Order Verification. We maintain a right to review the Customer’s Order to assure its requirements are fully followed. In a case we have found incomplete fulfillment of requirements, we retain a right to improve an Order.
  2. Order Volume. The volume of an Order is measured in pages. Be aware that one double-spaced page matches 275 words; one single-spaced – 550 words. The final paper must match the requested number of words. You have a right to request an Order review in case of a mismatch between the ordered and delivered number of words.
  3. Order Details Modifications. The Customer can modify the Order details and requirements only before the assigned Writer starts its completing. You can add additional requirements or make some changes in the number of pages, deadline, or delivery date only once providing compensation for the extra changes.
  4. Resources. If you have a list of specific resources that must be used in a paper, you must specify and provide the Writer with them.
  5. Communication Channels. We encourage communication between the Customer and the Writer. We also assure flawless communication with our Customer Support. You can use the communication means offered on the Website including live chat, email, or phone. You can reach Writer only when using our Support Team as a proxy.
  6. Order Tracking. You can track your order progress in your Personal Account. The changes in the placed Order status are displayed in your account instantly. You can also contact Customer Support to check your order progress.

5. Order Delivery

  1. We always assure on-time Order delivery. We need to deliver the Product to the Customer due to a scheduled deadline and in full.
  2. Customers are responsible for providing relevant delivery channels for the Order. We are not responsible for Customer's failed attempts to get an order caused by incorrect email address providing or used blocking filters on Customer’ device. In case you face any problems with the Order delivery, you can reach our Customer Support.
  3. The Customer is responsible to download an Order in time once it was delivered to a Personal Account.
  4. In order to check our Refund Policy requirements, check our Money Back Guarantee section.

6. Order Revision

  1. Check out Revision Policy to get detailed information about Order revision.
  2. We can decline the revision appeal in case a Customer’s request disrupts the Order settings originally provided by the Customer. You can make additional changes, but for an additional fee only.
  3. We keep the right to decline multiple revision requests in case we suspect our Customer to abuse Our Writer and Our Services.

7. Refund Policy

We follow our duties to deliver the Product in full and timely. We perform every Order due to a full list of provided requirements and time frames specified by the Customer. The Customer can request a partial or full repayment if we fail to fulfill our obligations. You can check our Money Back Guarantee to get more details.

8. Use of Products

  1. When making a payment, you acknowledge the fact that the product is used for personal and non-commercial purposes only. You pay for writing and research services that allow delivering the final product. The payment also covers additional Product completing and delivery processes.
  2. You cannot reproduce, change or display the Product partially or in full, in a hard copy or on the Internet, if you overcome the limits of needed personal use by such actions.

9. Plagiarism

When accessing the Website and placing an Order, you agree with the following statements:

  1. We keep the right to lay off the terms of a contract with any Customer who tends to falsify the Product delivered by our Company as their personal work. Additionally, you agree to never share or distribute the Product or its parts for financial or other familiar reasons. If you use our Product in any way that breaks up our T&C, we keep the right to end working on recent or any future projects.
  2. You cannot put your name on the completed Product. The Products delivered by our Company are for research and reference purposes only. We never encourage or allow plagiarism in our works. We do not tolerate any plagiarism or other acts that violate other writers’ rights. We respect the copyright law and never violate it. Once placing your Order at our Website, you approve that you will use our Products only for your reference and research purposes, and never for financial or familiar matters. You can use our documents as a model to create your own piece of writing based on provided research results and using the documents as a motivation. When you need to use certain parts of the Product, you should properly cite the materials in your paper. When submitting the work, make sure to check the reference list and citing guidelines. Please, make sure to check your institution’s plagiarism policy to assure it does not violate it at any level.
  3. We do not agree to take the responsibility for any unsanctioned use of the Products and other writing services completed and delivered by our Website. That can lead to many negative consequences including low grade, plagiarism checking failure, suspension, academic probation, etc. You can also face numerous disciplinary actions. If our Customers use the Products in an unethical way, they remain fully responsible for legal and disciplinary actions.

10. Personal Data Safety

You can get more information about the ways we collect, store, and maintain your personal data and information in our Privacy Policy section in detail.

11. Account Info and Security

  1. If you want to place an order on our Website, you need to register and create your Personal Account. In your account, you must present your personal information, including your name, email address, and phone number. You need to write your name that will be used as Your individual username further. Moreover, you will create your password to enter your Personal Account.
  2. Be aware that you assume responsibility for the safety of your personal account. Therefore, make sure to keep your personal data confidential.
  3. Once sending us data and information and using your Personal Account, we assume all your mentioned actions are your own choice. When you are worried about someone accessing your Personal Account without your consent, please change your password or reach our Customer Support for help.
  4. We keep the right to modify your password in case we consider it was compromised. Be sure, you will be informed by email about possible changes.

12. Website Use, Suspension, Termination of Use

  1. Be aware, you are allowed accessing the Website for personal and non-commercial reasons only.
  2. You cannot use the Website or any of its parts for illegitimate reasons. In particular, you are prohibited to commit the following actions.
  3. Share destructive, distressing, offensive, or otherwise illegal materials or breaking the laws in other possible ways.
  4. Share materials that inspire unlawful activity that alternates wrongdoing.
  5. Restrain the proper use of the Website by another Customer.
  6. Create, store, or share electronic and hard copies of writings and materials that are secured by copyright regulations and that you have no right to share.
  7. In case you breach any of these Terms and Conditions, the responsibility for the possible consequences is solely Yours.
  8. If we have strong reasons to consider Your Website’s use a real threat to the normal running of the Company’s Website or other Customers’ options, we keep the full right to terminate your Personal Account up until we conduct the needed investigation.
  9. Your efforts to reach the Writer by the means other than stated in these Terms and Conditions will be considered as an abuse of the T&C and will be the case of your account suspension.

13. Intellectual Property Rights (“IPLs”)

  1. Intellectual Property Rights for the Products:
    1. Our Company’s Writers perform the Products delivered to our Customers.
    2. We and our partners maintain exclusive rights of any Product supplied by Our Company.
    3. When accepting Your compensation for the Product, we guarantee a non-exclusive permit for the Products You get, once assuring that You use them for personal and non-commercial reasons only.
    4. Once placing an Order, you come to an agreement not to share, transfer, modify, showcase or use the Products or Website’s content without our former consent.
    5. Our possible harm from the illegal use of our Services and Products will be Your concern.
  2. Intellectual Property Rights in materials delivered by our Clients.
  3. You must assure the provided materials (including ones that you add to the order and as reference materials) do not disrupt any intellectual property rights, copyrights or any related regulations. If they do, you will be responsible for any losses our Company takes consequently.
  4. Intellectual Property Rights for the Company’s Website:
    1. Be aware, the Intellectual Property Rights for this Website and any of its parts are retained by our Company.
    2. In particular, IPRs for the Company’s Website and its certain parts must never be conveyed to the Website guests at any circumstances.
    3. Except otherwise is specified in these T&C or allowed by our Company, you have forbidden copying, downloading, or sharing any content from this particular Website.
    4. We keep and maintain our Products’ Sources Used feature, but we do not deliver the sources used for the Product completing to You. Nevertheless, the payment for this particular feature covers the links where original source materials can be bought or viewed.

14. Disclaimer and Liability Limitation

  1. The Website and its content are provided “the way it is”. We cannot assure the Website will satisfy all the Clients’ demands or meet their sophisticated requirements. In addition, if you use the outdated equipment that does not support any of the technologies used by the Website, you can be constrained from using the Website or its services.
  2. We operate in the Global Network that does not function due to our desires. Thus, we cannot guarantee our Website is managing under every existed jurisdiction in your area or state of residency.
  3. Numerous links on our Website can be links to the third parties’ websites. The mentioned websites have their own Terms and Conditions, thus make sure to check them in advance. We are not responsible for third parties’ websites. Check the mentioned websites Terms and Conditions before using their services and sharing your personal information.
  4. Once modifying our website, we do not take responsibility for harm or damage caused by the mentioned modifications.
  5. We are not in authority of the following occurrences related to our website use:
    1. Problems with electronic equipment, including phone and computer, email, software, and network;
    2. Failed computer or incomplete email transitions;
    3. Delaying of Products and Services caused by events that are not under the Company’s control;
    4. Any losses and damages caused by the services’ disconnection;
    5. Any printing or typographical errors in our Product.
  6. We are not in authority of the Website use or inability to use the Website properly caused by situations that are beyond Our reasonable control.
  7. These displayed Terms are not aimed at limiting or eliminating responsibility in case of personal damage or death in the result of perversion, negligence, or any other problem that is envisioned to limit your customer rights.

15. Miscellaneous

  1. You are not allowed to share or transmit any of your rights to another person under these T&C. At the same time, we retain the right to transfer your rights to another business player in case we sure your rights will never be exaggerated.
  2. In case you violate these T&C or try to overlook it, we keep the right to claim our rights and remedies in the future.

16. Notifications

  1. You should notify Us in a written form, once there are no other ways mentioned at the Website. You should send your message to our contact address that is stated on the Contact Us page.
  2. All the notifications we send to you will be delivered in one of the following ways:
    1. Available for public entrée on our Website;
    2. Available on your personal Account page;
    3. Sent via email on the address provided by You.

17. Mailout

By placing an order you automatically give us your consent to receive emails from our side. We send emails on a regular basis to customers' email addresses to keep them updated on the process of their order completion. Only this way we can provide a great customer support service to our clients letting them know the status of their orders. You may opted out from receiving updates to your email address by contacting support team at [email protected]

18. Governing Laws

  1. The presented list of Terms and Conditions is secured and ruled by the Law of Cyprus.
  2. All existed disputes must be solved in negotiations between the involved parties and in compliance with moral principles aimed at best results. In case the mentioned parties have failed to come up with a proper solution, the International Arbitral Court should handle the problem.
  3. The Clients and the Company agree that any dispute should be brought to arbitration on an individual basis, avoiding any collective or class basis. No dispute will be arbitrated on a class or collective basis.

19. Modifications

  1. We maintain our right to adapt and change the specifications, characteristics, and data about Our Product or Services, place certain parts or services under permanent or temporary suspension, or even constrain access to the definite parts of the Website without a former notification. We will do our best to notify you timely about the latest updates of Our Website and Services when we think these changes can influence you and your use of the Website greatly.
  2. We keep the right to update and modify the Terms and Conditions occasionally. Once the terms are changed, we will notify you via email. We will send you a notification on your latest email address. Once continuing to use our Website, you fully agree with its revised Terms and Conditions. You are also responsible for checking and reviewing our Terms and Conditions section regularly.

20. Contact Details

In case you need more information and data about the revealed Terms and Conditions, Our Website and Services, please contact us by the contacts provided on Our Contact page or on Your Personal Account page.