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EssayGooroo is a team of more than 1000 freelance writers and academic experts who are eager to help you with your writing needs. Whatever the subject or deadline, we'll always have the right person to handle your project. We take pride in hiring only the most skilled professionals, to be able to provide you with top-notch services.


Anna Louis

Social Sciences
rating rating rating rating rating

Anna has written numerous research papers, case studies, and have researched various topics in the field of humanities and social sciences.

Success rate 400+ WORKS COMPLETED

Conrad Perez

Business, Management
rating rating rating rating rating

Conrad aces research proposals and scientific essays. His academic background includes a Masters in Management and a Bachelors in Leadership.

Success rate 360+ WORKS COMPLETED

Daniel Barry

English, Marketing
rating rating rating rating rating

Daniel holds an MA in English from the University of California at Berkeley, and is currently a Ph.D. student doing freelance writing on the side.

Success rate 300+ WORKS COMPLETED

Sarah Bray

rating rating rating rating rating

Sarah is a registered nurse with a Bachelors in Nursing at Utah University. She writes perfect essays and research papers on healthcare issues.

Success rate 170+ WORKS COMPLETED

Patrick Brooks

Psychology, Economics
rating rating rating rating rating

Patrick is a multi-skilled academic writer with 5+ years of academic writing experience. Patrick is proficient in Business, Economics and Psychology.

Success rate 140+ WORKS COMPLETED

Susan Collins

Biology, Psychology
rating rating rating rating rating

Susan is an informal research advisor for students who need aid with research and written biology and psychology assignments.

Success rate 100+ WORKS COMPLETED

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